Video Gallery

Yunu's Approach
Get to Know Yunu
Tech Talk Tuesdays
Think Tank Thursdays
Imaging Accuracy Crisis Podcast
Yunu's Approach
Yunu's Unique Advantage

Yunu CTO & Co-Founder Gael Kuhn explains Yunu's unique advantage in its team and tech.

Yunu's Approach to Innovation

Yunu CTO & Co-Founder Gael Kuhn explains Yunu's approach to innovation.

Yunu | Radiologists

CEO & Co-Founder Jeff Sorenson explains what Yunu can do for radiologists.

Yunu | Cancer Centers

CEO & Co-Founder Jeff Sorenson explains what Yunu can do for Cancer Centers.

Yunu | Trial Diversity & Inclusion

Yunu helps sponsors achieve diverse and inclusive trials by providing access to populations who were previously limited by the geographic challenges of trial imaging.

Get to Know Yunu
Get to Know Yunu | Clinical Trial Operations Transformation

Yunu CSO & Co-Founder Dr. Gordon Harris shares how the proliferation of Yunu has transformed cancer centers' clinical trial operations.

Get to Know Yunu | Impact for Patients & Trial Enrollment

Yunu CSO & Co-Founder Dr. Gordon Harris explains Yunu's impaction on patients and trial enrollment.

Get to Know Yunu | Academic Roots & Advantages

Yunu CSO & Co-Founder Dr. Gordon Harris shares Yunu's history in academic roots and with industry innovators.

JPM 2024 - Imaging Wire Interview

What challenges are faced by imaging providers that want to participate in oncology clinical trials? Hear about the problems -- and solutions -- with Yunu co-founders Jeffrey Sorenson and Gordon Harris during this interview with The Imaging Wire's Brian Casey at the JP Morgan Health Care Conference and Biotech Showcase.

Tech Talk Tuesdays
Workflow Automation

Michelle Liendo
MSHI, CCRP, PMP, Director of Clinical Research Operations & Management

Imaging Data Potential

Jeff Sorenson
Yunu CEO & Co-Founder

Imaging Data for
Precision Medicine
Dushyant Sahani
MD, Professor & Chairman of Radiology

Data, Context, & AI

Rajan Gopalakrishnan
MS, Director of Informatics & Info. Technology
Loss of Data Context,
Collect & Hold
Jeff Sorenson
Yunu CEO & Co-Founder

Importance of Accurate Site Data

Jeff Sorenson
Yunu CEO & Co-Founder
Gold Standard Compliance

Jessica Moehle
CCRP, Senior Clinical Research Administrative Director
Technology for Efficiency Gains

Dushyant Sahani
MD, Professor & Chairman of Radiology

Balancing Demand & Incorporating Technology
Dushyant Sahani
MD, Professor & Chairman of Radiology

Think Tank Thursdays
Improving Radiologist Satisfaction

Dushyant Sahani
MD, Professor & Chairman of Radiology

Staffing Shortages

Jessica Moehle
CCRP, Senior Clinical Research
Administrative Director

Cross Departmental Collaboration & Strategy
Dushyant Sahani
MD, Professor & Chairman of Radiology

Eliminating Burden & Burnout

Jessica Moehle
CCRP, Senior Clinical Research
Administrative Director

Site Centric Imaging Model

Jessica Moehle
CCRP, Senior Clinical Research
Administrative Director

Patient-Centric Trial Collaboration

Dushyant Sahani
MD, Professor & Chairman of Radiology

Radiology's Role in
Oncology Trials
Dushyant Sahani
MD, Professor & Chairman of Radiology

Improved Site Selection

Michelle Liendo
MSHI, CCRP, PMP, Director of Clinical
Research Operations & Management

Patient Dropoff Prevention

Michelle Liendo
MSHI, CCRP, PMP, Director of Clinical
Research Operations & Management

Trial Expansion to Affiliates

Jessica Moehle
CCRP, Senior Clinical Research
Administrative Director

Trial Imaging Challenges at Sites

Rajan Gopalakrishnan
MS, Director of Informatics &
Information Technology

Imaging Accuracy Crisis Podcast
The Clinical Trial Imaging Accuracy Crisis

Full Length Podcast
Tapping into the Yunuverse: Outsourcing & Resource Sharing
Dr. Gordon Harris
Yunu CSO & Co-Founder
Yunu Security & Compliance

Dr. Gordon Harris
Yunu CSO & Co-Founder
Yunu Partnerships & Outcomes
Dr. Arcadia Cruz 
Associate Administrative Director, UCSD Moore's Cancer Center
Value to Patients, Cancer Centers, & the FDA
Dr. Arcadia Cruz 
Associate Administrative Director, UCSD Moore's Cancer Center
Trial Protocol Challenges

Group Discussion

Trial Imaging Errors: Impact to Patients
Patrick Panlasigui
Clinical Research Manager, Fred Hutch Cancer Center
Trial Imaging: Types of Errors
& the Discovery Process
Dr. Arcadia Cruz 
Associate Administrative Director, UCSD Moore's Cancer Center
Leveraging Technology to
Improve Efficiency
Patrick Panlasigui
Clinical Research Manager, Fred Hutch Cancer Center
Platform-Driven Protocol Collaboration
Hailey McDaniels
Associate Director - Clinical Trials Operations, Yale Cancer Center
Outsourcing Imaging Protocol Support
Hailey McDaniels
Yunu CEO & Co-Founder
Issues with Central Review

Dr. Gordon Harris
Yunu CSO & Co-Founder
The Impact of Good Technology
& Collaborators
Hailey McDaniels
Yunu CEO & Co-Founder
Trial Imaging Error Rates

Dr. Gordon Harris
Yunu CSO & Co-Founder
Cross-Site Collaboration

Jeff Sorenson
Yunu CEO & Co-Founder
Billing Capabilities

Group Discussion

APS Cross Checking Protocols

Danielle Nacamuli
Yunu Sr. Clinical Operations Manager
Solving Trial Access & Diversity Challenges
Dr. Gordon Harris
Yunu CSO & Co-Founder
Standardizing Trials Across Sites & Exporting Data to Sponsors
Jeff Sorenson & Dan Otap
Yunu CEO & Clinical Research Professional
Error Rates & Game-Changing Technology
Dr. Arcadia Cruz 
Associate Administrative Director, UCSD Moore's Cancer Center
Complete Compliance & Audit Readiness
Kira Pavlik
Associate Director - Clinical Trials Operations, Yale Cancer Center 

Collaborative Workflows & On-Demand Resources
Jeff Sorenson 
Co-founder & CEO, Yunu