Webinar Recap: Understanding the Economics of Site-Centric Imaging Assessments.

15.11.23 01:24 PM By Lori

Meet the innovators leading the charge in transforming clinical trial imaging at leading comprehensive cancer centers. 

With every industry event and client engagement we join, common threads emerge in conversation: the desire to scale research programs in size and speed, imaging workflow struggles, and data accuracy and management. We love these discussions because they perfectly align with our unique mission and expertise. We aim to help clients look at these challenges from many perspectives and leverage Yunu to solve them.

Recently, Yunu had the chance to partner with the Society for Clinical Research Sites (SCRS) for a webinar panel of industry experts to look at these challenges through an economic lens. With our host, Yunu CEO and Co-founder Jeff Sorenson, the group discussed the challenges and impacts of trial imaging today, the human cost of errors, the enormous inefficiency, and the financial and opportunity costs to research programs. The result was an energetic and thought-provoking conversation around the whys and whats of imaging in today’s clinical trials. 

Huntsman Cancer Institute’s Senior Clinical Research Administrative Director, Jessica Moehle, illuminated the prevalence of imaging in trials and the need for a harmonized model of site-centric imaging to ensure trials maintain timely and coordinated care for each patient. Michelle Liendo, Director of Research Operations at VCU’s Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center, discussed the communication and workflow hurdles sites face each day and how those must be overcome to deliver excellent data quality and on-time results for trial sponsors.

Dr. Dushyant Sahani, Professor and Chair of Radiology at the University of Washington, shared his experiences with staff burnout, the blurred lines of clinical and research responsibilities, and his team’s visionary approach to partnering with research stakeholders, leveraging AI, and implementing key technology platforms for the ultimate goal of developing precision oncology therapies. Finally, the University of Chicago Comprehensive Cancer Center’s Director of Informatics and Information Technology, Rajan Gopalakrishnan, discussed the rich insights that can be gleaned from real-world imaging data, the importance of taking action on these challenges instead of accepting the status quo, and his team’s commitment to changing the paradigm in cancer care. 

It’s a quick conversation packed full of real-world experiences and insights. We invite you to read the transcript and emerge inspired to take the next step for your organization. Download the PDF below and let us know what you think!

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